ogBoxes logowob_Boxes goal is straight : it is a repository, kind of dropbox, given a root subfolder. It contains generic widgets, easy to place in a form, that opens a finder like view of a dedicated disk space, globally, for tables, and for each records, managed in a client-server way of use, where you can drag&drop every kind of files, and display or recover them. It assumes a common places for a digital repository without the need to store the files in a blob into your datas. Low level methods are there to get or save files to obBoxes in the server for programmed actions (send an email with attachment files from an ogBox...).

With it, all your user's files are not in the database, but in a folder in the server. With the easy to use generic widget to open a "finder like" form, you can place it everywhere on your table's forms, record's forms...

Localised in EN, FR. Dependencies:  folder wok_Krolific folder wox_Xlibrary .

  folder wob_Boxes


The widget to place on your forms

The resizable widget displays the count files of the addressed folder. On click, it opens a form in a process, a kind of a bounded view of this folder. The widget's files count value is automatically updated when you modify your ogBox opened with it. 

ogBoxes widgets


A form opened for the table "Projects"

When changing the content of this opened view (add, delete...), the widget "count" files information is updated instantly.

ogBoxes form

Actions on folders and files

ogBoxes actions on folderogBoxes actions on files